Village of Lakewood Services

Administration Services


Residents are permitted up to three garage sales within a 12-month period.  Garage sales can be held for up to 3 days at a time between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.  Permits are required and are free of charge.  Residents must stop in at Village Hall any time prior to the sale to fill out an application form and obtain the permit. Vehicles, boats, etc. that are displayed for sale can only be parked in a resident's driveway.  Any other items for sale are considered a garage sale and require a permit to be displayed outside.  For more information and to learn about allowable signage, please see Chapter 33.03 of the Village Code.


Temporary and permanent permits can be obtained at Secretary of State Drivers License facilities.

Public Works Services


The Village sponsors an unlimited brush pickup each spring and fall.  Dates are announced in the Village newsletter.  On publicized dates, unbundled brush up to 3 inches in diameter and no more than 10 feet in length may be left adjacent to the street for collection.  It is up to the homeowner to dispose of brush the rest of the year. 


Hydrant flushing is a regular part of the Village maintenance program.  Flushing dates will be announced in the Village newsletter.  Only authorized persons may open or close a fire hydrant.  Residents should make every effort to clear away snow and keep hydrants visible during the winter season.


Each resident is responsible for the maintenance and repair of sewer service lines within his/her home and out to the point of connection with the municipal sewer system.  Unlawful connections (i.e. sump pumps, gutter drains, etc.) are not allowed.


The Village plows all dedicated streets.  Rocks or other obstructions must be moved at least 10 feet back from the paved surface after November 15 to prevent damage to the plows and/or injury to workers or passers-by from flying debris. 


No vigorous and healthy tree taller than 20 feet or larger than six (6) inches in diameter as measured twelve (12) inches above the ground shall be removed without a tree removal permit.  It is the stated public policy of the Village to maintain, to the greatest extent possible, existing trees within the Village.  The purpose of Section 21.20 is to preserve existing natural streetscapes throughout the community.

Any tree removed prior to or without approval shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 per tree removed.


Wood chips are made available to residents on a first-come, first-served basis at the RedTail Golf Club Maintenance Barn located at 8211 Lakewood Road.  Bring your own container and call (815) 459-1589 to arrange a pickup time. 

Police Services


Residents who wish to register their bicycles may do so free of charge at Village Hall during normal business hours.  Complete the Bicycle Registration Form and a registration sticker will be issued for each bicycle.  This program helps the Police Department identify lost or stolen bicycles.


If you are required to obtain fingerprints for licensing or employment reasons and are a resident of the Village, we can have an officer provide you with fingerprinting service.  Please call the non-emergency phone number at (815) 459-2151 and request that an officer meet you at the station for fingerprinting. 


If you will be away on vacation and your house will be empty, you may call the non-emergency phone number at (815) 459-2151 to arrange a house watch during your absence.  The Village also now offers the ability to submit an online House Watch Request.


All solicitors are required to register with the Village. As per Chapter 34, solicitation is defined as seeking to obtain orders for the purchase of goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs, services of any kind (except seeking to obtain subscriptions to books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers and every other type of publication).  Upon registration, solicitors are provided with a paper permit showing the date(s) they are allowed to solicit. Solicitors must respect any resident’s home that displays a "no solicitors" sign. This section applies to business and commercial enterprises; see section 34.06 for not-for-profit organizations.  If you have any questions about someone who comes to your door or is in your neighborhood, call the Police Department non-emergency number at (815) 459-2151.


Staff presented the President and Board of Trustees a sample policy to be considered for traffic calming due to increased resident requests for speed limit reductions and other traffic calming measures. The policy was approved and adopted "effective immediately". 

Click here for Traffic Calming Policy and Petition