Administration Department
The administrative offices of the Village operate out of the Village Hall, 2500 Lake Ave. The office hours are weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm. The Chief Administrative Officer is responsible for implementing the policies and procedures for the Village of Lakewood. The Chief Administrative Officer oversees the Village staff, budget administration, internal controls and economic development for the Village.
Administration Services
Residents are permitted up to three garage sales within a 12-month period. Garage sales can be held for up to 3 days at a time between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Permits are required and are free of charge. Residents must stop in at Village Hall any time prior to the sale to fill out an application form and obtain the permit. Vehicles, boats, etc. that are displayed for sale can only be parked in a resident's driveway. Any other items for sale are considered a garage sale and require a permit to be displayed outside. For more information and to learn about allowable signage, please see Chapter 33.03 of the Village Code.
Garbage and Recycling
MDC Environmental Services, (815) 568-7274
In order to reduce the wear and tear on Village streets, the Village contracts with one waste hauler and sets up individual service for new residents. We are currently under contract with MDC Environmental Services for weekly curbside refuse and recycling pickups. Waste receptacles and recycling bins are provided by the hauler. Residents are billed for this service by the Village on the utility bills every two months.
New residents should contact Village Hall to set up service. Each household is provided with one 95-gallon toter (a smaller 65-gallon toter is also available for a slightly smaller fee) and one 35-gallon recycling toter free of charge. Extra garbage toters can be obtained for a fee. Call Village Hall for details, and watch the Village newsletter for any changes.
Collection Day
Garbage and recyclables are picked up on Fridays each week, except when a major holiday falls during that week, in which case pick-up day will be on Saturday. Holidays for the purpose of the refuse contract are:
Date | Holiday | Pickup Day | |
January 1 | New Years Day | Saturday, January 6, 2024 | |
May 27 | Memorial Day | Saturday, June 1, 2024 | |
July 4 | Independence Day | Saturday, July 6, 2024 | |
September 2 | Labor Day | Saturday, September 7, 2024 | |
November 28 | Thanksgiving Day | Saturday, November 30, 2024 | |
December 25 | Christmas Day | Saturday, December 28, 2024 |
All other holidays do not affect the day of collection.
Garbage and recycling should not be left out earlier than 7:00 p.m. the night before pick-up, and empty receptacles should be taken in from the curb by 7:00 p.m. the day of pick-up. Back door service is available for handicapped or infirmed residents who notify Village Hall of their need.
In addition to normal household refuse and recyclables, one large item (furniture, one 4 foot roll of carpeting, etc.) may be left out for free pick-up each week. No construction debris will be picked up (dumpsters are required and any waste hauler can be contacted to provide these). White goods may be picked up for a surcharge. Call MDC Environmental Services to arrange for this service at (815) 568-7274.
Yard Waste
- Leaves and yard waste must be in brown kraft paper bags
- Small bundles of brush
- maximum 4' long and 2' wide
- maximum branch diameter of 3 inches
- must be tied with biodegradable cord or twine (no tape or wire) in order to be picked up weekly
- Any combination of five bags or bundles (i.e. 3 bags of leaves and 2 bundles of brush) are picked up at no extra charge each week
- Extra bags or bundles will only be picked up if they display a sticker obtainable at Village Hall for $2.50 each