Public Safety

The Village enjoys a low crime rate, largely due to the proactive community policing philosophy and policies of the Village's own 24-hour Police Department.  Both emergency 9-1-1 and non-emergency calls are handled by the McHenry County Sheriff's Department.  During the summer months, the department also operates the boat patrol on Crystal Lake.

Fire Protection Services and Emergency Lifesaving and Rescue Services in the Village of Lakewood are provided by the Crystal Lake Fire Rescue Department.  Please call 9-1-1 in the case of an emergency.  All non-emergency calls can be directed to the administrative offices of the Department at (815) 356-3640.


You can help emergency responders locate your home more quickly by making sure your address is clearly visible from both directions on the mailbox.  Numbers at least three (3) inches high are recommended and reflective numbers are even better.