Well Water
Free Webinar Offered for Private Well Owners
A free online webinar is being offered to well owners to help them learn how well systems work, how to maintain wells, and how to ensure the water is safe. The Private Well Class webinar, Well Care 101 – What you Need to Know to Protect Your Family, will take place from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 20. The webinar will include a presentation covering the most common well-related issues, followed by opportunities for Q&A with an expert.
Thousands of McHenry County residents have private wells that supply water for their families. While water that is publicly provided is held to regulated drinking water standards, private well owners are responsible for their own water quality. Therefore, it is vital for people who use private water wells to understand how their well systems work.
The Illinois State Water Survey created the Private Well Class program to help individual well owners by providing a combination of online and in-person resources designed specifically for people who own private water wells. Well owners can participate in a series of useful webinars online, or connect with an expert by email or phone.
Visit http://privatewellclass.org/101 to register for the free webinar.
To learn more about the Private Well Class, visit their website at http://privatewellclass.org/, or contact Scott Kuykendall, McHenry County Water Resources Specialist, at SHKuykendall@mchenrycountyil.gov.